USAF 83rd Expeditionary Rescue Squadron / Rotor Wash / Guardian Angel Weapon System / Mustache Rides / That Others May Live / Pedro / PVC Patch
Made in the USA and released for "Movember" 2018
After a decade collecting and taking care of the heritage of the USAF Rescue Collection for future generations, I've made several collaborations for different rescue squadrons over the last years.
Many friends from some specific squadrons asked me a year ago to come up with a new design that could be used for every member of the combat crew in the field. With that in mind, I started this concept morale patch that took me over 2 months of design with the constant feedback with PJ’s, Gunners, Pilots and Maintainers who brought many different ideas for this design.

After lots of corrections, test samples and multiple ideas I came up with this final design that integrates primarily the HH-60G Pave Hawk as the "Prima Donna" of this design as the main working platform from the Guardian Angel (GA) Weapons System and the rotor wash power flow to symbolize speed and reaction for both the helicopters and crew with the integrated Pararescue Guardian Angel that symbolize the GA Weapon System (a non-aircraft, equipment-based weapon system. This equipment-based weapons system is employed by Combat Rescue Officers, Pararescuemen and SERE Specialists and enabled by uniquely trained combat rescue support personnel) and the Mustache for the "Pedro" Call-sign used in Afghanistan by the combat rescue crews.
Mainly designed for the 83rd ERQS, this patch has been so popular that over five rescue squadrons and four maintenance squadrons chose already this patch to wear it in the field.
Made with the highest quality of PVC, 3D design and much details as possible with the sole purpose to support the pilots, gunners, pararescuemen, engineers and maintainers in the field that gives it all every day in the field SO THAT OTHERS MAY LIVE.
Photos: Matt S. & Barry C.W.
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