USAF patch from the 102nd Rescue Squadron (New York Air National Guard) located at Gabreski Airport, New York. (measures 4" tall by 3.75" wide with no Velcro on the reverse side and made in the theater of operations (Turkey) to Diyarbakir Forward Operating Location (FOL), Turkey in support of Operation Northern Watch (ONW). This patch features the countries of Southwest Asia (outlined in blue thread) in the background with the Jolly Green footprints along with a Pararescue Jumper (PJ) planted in the country of Turkey. A red star marks the location of Diyarbakir FOL with the PJ standing on top casting a large shadow into the country of Iraq where two green stars are located (denoting two successful rescue missions). On the far left side of the patch is a red crescent, symbolic of the country of Turkey and on the top tab are the words "102nd RQS, DIIYARBAKIR FOL." On the bottom tab are the words "OPERATION NORTHERN WATCH '02." The second, is the Jolly Green footprints (symbolic of the PJs, see more details below) that measure 1.25" tall by 1.25" wide with Velcro on the reverse side.
The 102nd Rescue Squadron is the the oldest Air National Guard unit in the Country.
The squadron traces its roots back to the 1st Aero Squadron which was formed in 1908 in New York.
The unit was officially formed in November 1915 as an unnumbered aviation detachment of the 1st Batallion Signal Corps under the command of Captain Raynal Bolling. The unit trained with JN4 "Jennys" on a field in Mineola, Long Island.
The first patch of the unit was that of a monkey.
Following World War I, the unit was renumbered the 102nd Observation Squadron and assigned to the New York Guard, a militia force of citizen soldiers.
In addition to flying balloons, the 102nd has flown the J3N, 0-38, O-46, O-11, P-47, F-86, F94-B, B-26, B-29, T-33, C-119, KC-97, the F102, HH3E. The unit flies the HC-130 and as well as the HH-60G, enabling it to perform long range rescue due to its air refueling capability."
A rare and hard to find patch to have for the Rescue Squadron, New York Air National Guard, USAF Pararescue, Special Operations, Combat Search and Rescue, Operation Northern Watch (ONW).
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