Monday, October 21, 2013

USAF Pararescue / Bronze / Challenge Coin

USAF Pararescue / Living by the Motto / Bronze / Challenge Coin
Beautiful classic original design coin.

Got information about it? Got it? Want to sell or trade? Contact me below (comments) with your email address and I´ll get back to you ASAP! Thank you!


  1. Good morning. As a former PJ (71-76) I am fascinated by this coin. I know you do not sell but do you know where I could find one to buy. Who knows, someday I may be able to return the favor. We're having our reunion near Patrick AFB this year; lots of Icons coming, in case you care to advertise there. Ric P.

  2. I was given this coin by a PJ when I was leaving the AF. Someone managed to steal it when stealing change and it has frustrated me to no end. I have always been looking to replace it if anyone knows where I can get one.

  3. I was given this coin by a PJ when leaving the AF 15 years ago. It was stolen during petty theft and it has frustrated me to no end. If anyone knows where I could find a replacement I would be grateful.


I´m constantly searching for original challenge coins, moral and issued patches, badges and more. Please don´t hesitate to contact me if you are willing to sell something. I buy!