Monday, April 23, 2012

USAF Special Operations / Subdued Patch

USAF Special Operations / Subdued Patch
Special Operations, better known in the Air Force as Special Tactics, are broken up into two specific specialties. Combat Control (CCT) and Pararescue (PJ). CCT's are combat ready FAA certified air traffic controllers and PJ's are combat ready rescue & recovery specialists certified as EMT's to the paramedic level. Members of these two career fields are trained in parachuting, scuba diving, repelling, skiing, motorcycling, survival skills and much much more…

Got information about this item? Contact me below (comments) with your email address and I´ll get back to you ASAP! Thank you! 

1 comment:

  1. AFSOC encompasses more than just CCT and PJ's. There are many air wings within AFSOC that provide close air support for all troops on the ground. Some of these are the Combat Talon and Talon 2's, Shadows, Pavelow's, Spectre and Spooky2 gunships. The gunships having been my personal babies.


I´m constantly searching for original challenge coins, moral and issued patches, badges and more. Please don´t hesitate to contact me if you are willing to sell something. I buy!